Dear Life

Wednesday, January 26, 2005

dear life 21

dear life:
today i met the assistant superintendant of my primary school in the street. Her car parked infront of her house had reminded me of her all through these years, yet it was so amazing how we both stopped when we were to pass each other today, and more amazing was how she remembered me, one in a million of her students! she took me back in time to some 18 years ago as she hugged me so affectionately for several moments. 18 years have passed, yet it is as if it all happened just a blink ago.
i exactly remember the day when a drug trafficker was being hung in the middle of Tajrish Square when we were going to school. The picture of the man hanging high in the air and all those peope watching is still as horrifying as that day, and yet the picture of Mrs. ... waiting there in school to comfort all of us, the little ones who had to face a small portion of the ugly realities of life, is still as comforting. Today i once more felt the comfort that she offered us that day, the comfort of a carefree childhood, when our biggest problem was our childish rivalries with our friends and classmates.
I was so glad to hear of my first grade teacher, and to find out that she still lives in the house which whenever i passedby i wondered about her and wished for her wellbeing. I was also shocked to find out that my 4th grade teacher, to whom i owe my Persian handwriting, has passed away. As i write this i go back to her classroom and standing at her table i send her a prayer with all my heart.
Meeting Mrs. ... really made my day today. It made sure that whatever facilities our schools lacked, love was surely not one of them. i really feel endepthed to thank Mrs. .... and all my beloved teachers who helped me become who I am today. Thank you.