Dear Life

Friday, December 31, 2004

dear life 20

dear life
my best friend's dad passed away a few days ago and these days i think of death more and more, as a part of you, a part so tangible and so near to you. and you know what has been amazing to me? the fact that how different and yet the same people face death. everybody misses the loved one you seemingly have left, but everybody does so in his own special way, everybody tries to keep on living you without the loved one physically around, but everybody does so in his own special way. today at my friend's home, we will surely miss him talking so passionately of his experiences and great knowledge of this world, of you and of humanity. and this great passion of his for you became more evident to me when he dedicated his corpse to a medical college, as a means to serve the humanity. and his act opened yet another door toward you for me. we can serve the people of this world even when our soul resides in another. we can serve them even with the memories we leave them and with the things we inspire them by. we can serve no matter when, no matter when, only if we want and we try. tonight we will drink some wine in his remembrance, and thank him for ever changing us and our views toward you and toward death.


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