Dear Life

Monday, November 08, 2004

dear life 10

dear life
last night i watched a "cirlce" of Iranian women from Jafar Panahi's perspective. From the first scene he beautifully introduced us to the you belonging to women, women who besides sharing the quality of womanhood, shared your miseries and hardships. Each faced with some problem in her own special way, but all shared the problem of being suppressed, of having no say or power on the hardships you infronted them, and of being left alone with you. It is so sad to be reminded of all the problems you put our women through, and all this gets sadder and sadder when we think and remind ourselves of the women who with their latest model cars and luxury houses think of nothing but of when to go to the hairdresser, what to wear for the party, what dress to buy to look the latest fashion, when to meet others in the coffee shop, where in the world to pass their vacations, and what else to do to enjoy their time with you- and yet they feel that you are not offering them enough to be thankful. Life, you are so strange. At least help us in making the effort to play a part in changing you of the ones that for some reason you are taking it so hard on.
Panahi surely deseves a credit for getting us in his circle of women, for reminding us for even one second that you are offering us things that we ought to be thankful for.


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