Dear Life

Tuesday, February 08, 2005

dear life 22

dear life
lately your pal, nature, has been acting so strangely. Do you remember the earthquake of Bam who took so many of our countrymen from us? that was one year ago, and this year the tsunami hit asia nearly at the same time of the year, and we never found out how many died or went missing in the disaster. it took people from all around the world and once more brought human beings together to answer the cries for help. today nature has shown our town another bizaare face of hers- a beautiful face that we hope won't bring destruction with it. it has been snowing for several days now. everywhere looks so white, so pure, and so beautiful. as i write, the construction workers of the building next to us are playing and laughing in the snow with such high spirits that makes me envy them. their laughters and free souls is really a gift they may not be aware of. they remind me that happiness is really a matter of choice and attitude, an issue that we keep forgetting and you, hand in hand with your friends, keep reminding us. help us enjoy you as long as we can.


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