Dear Life

Sunday, April 30, 2006

dear life 77

dear life,
yesterday as we volunteered to serve food for the needy in a community shelter, i was really amazed by these people's characteristics. they stood in a line to get to the counter, they did not kill themselves to get more food (have you seen the scene when food is being served in Iranian wedding ceremonies?) and one even asked to get less pasta cause "i can not eat all that, i don;t want to ruin the food", and they were all so nice and friendly, greeting us and chatting with us with open hearts and smiles - a huge black guy with a problem in one of his eyes said as he waited to take his plate, "Oh, what is this, a beauty pageon with models serving us?" and as they asked of whether our team was related or not (as it was a party and we were trying to get to know each other, no social borders in between), another asked one of us among his laughter, "so, you are available for a date?" and i was ashamed of myself asking so much of you and of god when i saw how they did not resent us or you or god for where they were, when i saw how they had accepted you as you were, making peace with you. we met an Iranian too there, his face a proof to all the hardships he surely had undergone, yet he too smiled, a smile that touched you to the bottom of your heart. wish i could have just a small portion of the peace they had inside.


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