haunted i am,
confused, by an illusion,
by his vision,
by a vision, of him,
of a man;
do i know him?
i don't know if i know him,
does it matter?
no, it doesn't,
as long as he offers me his chest,
to lean my head on,
to lose myself in;
his lips,
to rest my lips on,
to dissolve into;
his hands,
to take in mine,
to caress my body;
his arms,
to embrace me,
to lead me.
his vision,
a vision,
do i care who he is?
as long as he loves me,
seduces me, embraces me, kisses me,
fucks me, warms me, calms me?
do i care who he is?
as long as i get lost,
in him, with him?
i care,
his vision haunts me,
his and only his.
who is he?
they ask,
they think.
i know
and i don't give a fuck what they think;
i know
and i don't give a damn if they are wrong;
i know
and i don't give a shit to make them right.
let them be,
let me be, with his vision,
his vision, only his,
haunting me.
confused, by an illusion,
by his vision,
by a vision, of him,
of a man;
do i know him?
i don't know if i know him,
does it matter?
no, it doesn't,
as long as he offers me his chest,
to lean my head on,
to lose myself in;
his lips,
to rest my lips on,
to dissolve into;
his hands,
to take in mine,
to caress my body;
his arms,
to embrace me,
to lead me.
his vision,
a vision,
do i care who he is?
as long as he loves me,
seduces me, embraces me, kisses me,
fucks me, warms me, calms me?
do i care who he is?
as long as i get lost,
in him, with him?
i care,
his vision haunts me,
his and only his.
who is he?
they ask,
they think.
i know
and i don't give a fuck what they think;
i know
and i don't give a damn if they are wrong;
i know
and i don't give a shit to make them right.
let them be,
let me be, with his vision,
his vision, only his,
haunting me.
At 10:15 AM,
Anonymous said…
This is the first time I saw your blog and went through it. you write beautifully and have a beautiful soul. Keep up with your ways of life. you have always been one of my favorite people :-)
At 9:42 PM,
The Dark Knight said…
a breath...
lost in the moment
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